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Don’t Miss the Evil Genius Games Sleeper Event of the Year!

If you’re going to Gen Con, get your twitchy little fingers over to your keyboard, head over to https://www.gencon.com/events/267181, and sign up, because you are going to regret it if you miss Doors and Shadows.

Doors and Shadows is an Everyday Heroes/E.G.O. multi-table event, written by Bryan C.P. Steele, and it’s going to be fantastic. 

Right now, it’s a sleeper at Gen Con because of the way events are listed in the program. Turns out that “Assignment” just doesn’t have a lot of curb appeal, and “E.G.O. Multi-table Special Assignment” sounds like a  battery of psychological tests whose results you probably don’t want to know. Next year, maybe we should call our multi-table event “Free Bacon and Beer.” 

But for now, our awkward event title presents you with an opportunity, because you’re going to want to lay your money down and reserve your spot for Doors and Shadows, even if you have never played an E.G.O. game before.


  • It’s for Everyday Heroes. If you love Everyday Heroes, you’re going to love this adventure. And if you are itching to get a taste of what’s to come with Everyday Arcana, Intergalactic Heroes, and E.G.O Season 2, this adventure is a tantalizing appetizer..
  • It’s for Everyone. Not a member of E.G.O. yet? No worries!. We hope that folks will join Dispatch to make and bring their own E.G.O. characters (or even make brand new ones for this event!). But if you just want to roll with one of our pegens, you can’t go wrong. 
  • It’s for Newbies and Veterans. Doors and Shadows has an adjustable Difficulty Tier system for tables with mixed-level teams, and accommodates hero levels 1–6. It’s a perfect game to share with your Gen Con friends and Everyday Heroes family, and even with those who have never played an Everyday Heroes or E.G.O. adventure before.
  • It’s an End and a Beginning. Doors and Shadows caps our exciting Season 1. The heroes team up with other REDEMPTION agent teams from around the multiverse to stop a multi-dimensional threat previously thought laid to rest. Success or failure will have lasting repercussions on the E.G.O. canon universe to come. And if you’re looking forward to Everyday Arcana and Intergalactic Heroes, you’re going to want to be part of that universe!
  • It’s by Bryan C.P. Steele. GMs and players from around the industry absolutely love the adventures that emerge from Bryan’s uniquely creative and ever-surprising imagination. From his work here at Evil Genius as a Producer/Developer of Sci-fi games (Pacific Rim, Total Recall, Intergalactic Heroes), to Babylon 5, Conan, Starship Troopers, Power Rangers, Transformers, and more, this self-identified “Professional Nerd’s” games always live up to his motto, which is to leave every room at least a little happier than when you got there. 

Gen Con has lots of walk-ons, but we need 26 seats sold prior to opening to make Doors and Shadows run. So, seize this opportunity both to help us make this special event happen, and also to grab your seat before the word gets out! 

Stop lollygagging around! 

Because the world needs more Everyday Heroes

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