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First E.G.O. All Hands Meeting: A Glimpse into Our Future

Hey, Evil Geniuses!

We recently wrapped up our first All Hands meeting for E.G.O.. Far from a stereotypical meeting, it was really enjoyable, relaxed, and incredibly productive.  It makes me really proud to be part of this grand enterprise, awed by the enthusiasm and expertise of our volunteers, and very optimistic about the future of the Evil Genius Organized Play (E.G.O.) Program. I thought that I would give you a bullet list overview of what we discussed, and give you an open invitation to chime in with your own ideas in the comments. 

Although the discussion ranged between topics, there were six primary action items :

  1. Logging Desirable Dispatch Fixes and Enhancements: Dave has taken note of several key updates and suggestions for our Dispatch app and is on the case to make your experience even smoother, more useful, and more intuitive.
  2. Ground Zero State of the Program: We are beginning our voyage into organized play with a hearty crew of about 160 volunteers and almost 40 FLGS locations spread across the U.S., Canada, the UK, and all the way to Australia. Before we dream bigger, we’re dedicated to solidifying our foundation, ensuring we have a robust structure to support our passionate volunteers and players. For the time being, our focus will be on nurturing our current members and their communities, and on creating best practices and good working relationships with each other and our partners. 
  3. Clarifying Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities: From Goons (GMs) and Minions to Assassins and Lieutenants, we delved into the crucial roles that make our program tick. Each role, whether it’s running games, organizing events, or providing support over states or regions, is an important thread in weaving together a vibrant and inclusive gaming community. 
  4. Improving Website Clarity and Content Organization: We’re on a mission to make our website’s Organized Play section a beacon for both new and seasoned E.G.O. enthusiasts. Expect clearer navigation, dedicated pages for players, volunteers, and participating locations (on the ground and online) in the near future. We want to ensure that, whether you are checking out the program or are already all in and playing, you have what you need at your fingertips.
  5. Creating Useful Resources for Accessibility: In this vein, the need for easily accessible, printable documents for various stakeholders was a hot topic. We’re thinking of housing essential guides, promo materials, and more on Discord, where they can be made readily available to those in the program.
  6. Developing an Accessible and Evolving Capture of Best Practices and FAQs: The idea of curated, read-only channels on Discord for common rules, play questions, and errata received a thumbs-up. These discussions will pave the way for an evolving E.G.O. Handbook, a resource we’re all very excited to develop.

This meeting was a testament to the creativity, dedication, and charitable spirit of collaboration that define our community. Your input is invaluable, If you weren’t able to make the meeting, please don’t hesitate to share your suggestions or volunteer for new initiatives either in the comments or by emailing me directly at [email protected]. Together, we can not only play wonderful and exciting games, we can create a wonderful community and brand new game world to play them in.


Stay tuned, stay engaged, and let’s make the E.G.O. Program the best it can be!


Respectfully submitted, 


Eric Nelson

Organized Play Manager, E.G.O.

Evil Genius Games


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