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Join E.G.O. and Take Advantage of our Convention and Consignment Programs!

The dog days of convention season and Season 1 for E.G.O. are upon us. Both conventions and the E.G.O. program fall under Organized Play at Evil Genius Games, and I want to take a moment to share some exciting developments in terms of support for those of you who represent Evil Genius Games, E.G.O., and Everyday Heroes at convention game tables and booths around the globe. If you haven’t heard about these developments, here’s what you’re missing:


Conventions are one of the primary ways for prospective and new fans to learn about and try Evil Genius Games products, the E.G.O. program, and Everyday Heroes. We so greatly appreciate those of you who want to run our games at your local conventions, and we have created several ways to help you do that:

  • If you want to run Everyday Heroes and E.G.O. games at your local convention, we have an easy way for you to get some terrific support from us. Just fill out these applications:
    • Evil Genius Games Convention Request Form: https://forms.gle/5ULZ7T4xPMVVrwgNA
    • Evil Genius Games Application for Local Convention Support. As long as you run 3 games, we will reimburse you for your Badge (if the event organizer doesn’t pay for this), parking (up to $50 per day), and Food ($25; alcohol is not eligible for reimbursement). AND, we give you Goon Credits. The application (once you are approved through the Convention Request Form) is here: https://forms.gle/p8XnmStKVMrvjcn97

But, wait! There’s more!

  • Once you are approved, we give you access to our Library of Approved Convention Adventures. These adventures include both E.G.O. adventures and adventures from our other product lines, all of which are cleared for use at conventions. Just select the game(s) that you want to run from the Library, grab the approved PDFs and maps, and prepare your games.
  • For those of you who are running E.G.O. games at conventions (as well as online, in stores, at home with your crew, or at other venues), we give you access to a folder of GM support materials, which include maps, tokens, character sheets, pre-gens (levels 1, 3, and 5), reporting forms (for when Dispatch is down or the circumstances just don’t allow it), Gameplay Options, a Starter Guide for Dispatch, and a Guide for Volunteers. This folder is updated as the season progresses and can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-y1Yx4oQmVFvceQRpv44qR3KZU8v80ky?usp=sharing
  • We have set up channels on our Discord dedicated to online Goons and players, conventions, volunteers, and retailers. For an invite to Discord, email [email protected]. Whatever you’re looking to do, we’re looking for ways to help support you and make being part of the Everyday Heroes and E.G.O. communities easy and fun.
Earn Real Money Through Our Convention Consignment Program

Do you want to earn some serious cash at a convention or other venue? If so, we have created a consignment program for Exhibitors that is simple and sweet. Here are the details:

  • You apply for and, once you are approved and sign a reseller agreement, get:
    • Exclusive access to sell our products at your show,
    • $7,000 worth of products (shipped for free to you), including cases of our Cinematic Adventures, Core Rulebook, the Vault, and GM Screens; plus a branded tablecloth, stickers, large sign, and two T-Shirts.
  • You sell what we send you and, within 90 days, pay us $3500.00 (you also send back any undamaged leftover inventory). You keep the rest of what you earn!
  • Further details and the application can be found here: https://forms.gle/p8nFTAzM5BadS7Th8.

What are you waiting for? Join Evil Genius Games’ Organized-Play today and enjoy the benefits of belonging to the E.G.O. community: https://forms.gle/qveZQ9hEyJL8KdHU6

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