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E.G.O. Blog – Episode 1

Hello there, and welcome to E.G.O.-Maniac Mondays!

This is the first in a weekly series of blogs keeping you up to date on the Evil Genius Organized-Play (E.G.O.) program, and all the fun things we have in store for our players and retailers! Stay tuned! the rules for E.G.O. character creation will be LIVE on our website soon!

While we originally planned to release two of our Plots and two Assignments on Wednesday, January 24th, we had a tiny technical error that needs to be cleaned up, which will result in one of the Assignment adventures coming out a day or so late. All of the others are slated to be out on time, ready for our Goons (GMs) to run with! Over the course of the next week, we’ll also begin onboarding our Evil Minions (volunteers) and getting them equipped with everything they need to help get our program off the ground.

Just like the best RPG sessions with a new team of Everyday Heroes, the best way to start something like this is with character introductions—and we do have some real great characters here who have poured a lot of time and energy into making E.G.O. a reality in an extremely short amount of time. Without these people, this program would not exist!

  • Faith Elisabeth Lilley is our Chief Product Officer. She’s the brains behind our Everyday Heroes Dispatch app that is vital to running E.G.O., and also our tech products that will enhance your E.G.O. experiences in the future.
  • Paul Timm is our Project Manager and Art Director; the glue that keeps us all together over here, and also one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet at a gaming table!
  • Sigfried Trent and Chris “Goober” Ramsley are the designers of Everyday Heroes and have been absolutely amazing in making sure that E.G.O. has the rules and development support it needs to launch as its own entity.
  • Charlotte Irrgang is our Graphic Designer, who takes all of the images, words, and resources we throw at our adventures and makes them look beautiful for our GMs and players to enjoy. 
  • Eric Nelson is the E.G.O. Editor, who helps ensure that the games that reach your table are as awesome as possible, linguistically speaking. Awen Rowan-Nelson proofreads, and tightens all of the bolts before things go out the door.
  • Ivis K. Flanagan is our Convention Coordinator (who also pitches in to help develop some of our adventures from time to time), who will be making sure you have many opportunities to play E.G.O. Assignments, Plots, and convention Schemes at GaryCon, UK Games Expo, Origins, and more!

Finally, Matt Francella is the E.G.O. Cartographer, whose maps will be featured in all of our organized play adventures. Matt has a keen eye for detail, and even outside of E.G.O. games, you’re going to love using his maps for your games! If you want to pick up high-resolution copies of Matt’s maps from our E.G.O. adventures, head over to his website at https://www.mattsmaps.org/everyday-places/

And for me—you can catch the “Introducing E.G.O.” blog or my recent Interview with Gaming Divination to hear me talk a bit more about myself and our program. Riding the proverbial whirlwind, I am the producer of the E.G.O. adventurers (wrangler of authors and stories) while also setting up the volunteer-side of things. I’m sure you’ll be hearing a lot more from me in the weeks ahead. If you really want to read more about me beyond the above links, you can find a list of my works in the RPG industry here: https://canisdirus.carrd.co/. If you need to reach me for anything related to the program, please send me an email at [email protected]

As we launch into the very first week of the Evil Genius Organized-Play program, we truly hope you have a great time with the adventures and systems we’ve set up for you to experience. Make sure to keep track of your best (and funniest) game stories, too—I want to hear all about them, and feature them in our future E.G.O.-Maniac Monday blogs!


Cody Hilliard
Question: Are you guys still going to be able to release the Rebel Moon rpg? I was really looking forward to playing.
Lawrence DeWolf
As one of the people who also Beta-ed it I can say this is the start of something BIG and I'm all for it! I am happy to be on the ground floor of something great!!!
Jester Deren
Having beta'd the demos at a local GS, I had a full table of players who absolutely loved the game and process of playing. I am looking forward to more of the adventures, the growth, and working alongside this team!


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E.G.O. Blog – Episode 1


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