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Setting Sail with Revised Roles, Responsibilities, and Rewards


A couple of weeks ago, I said that changes were coming to the adolescent E.G.O. program, and now I get to start announcing them. 

Setting Sail with E.G.O.  

In the beginning, it took all hands on deck, with everyone doing everything that they could, to get us launched and the anchor raised. Since then, we have doubled in size, both in terms of numbers of volunteers and retail stores, and are continuing to expand our in-person and online presence both here in the US and across the globe. And now that we’re well under way, it’s time to start settling the crew into more clearly defined roles with more clearly defined responsibilities and goals. 

In order to manage this expanding crew, I need to establish Lieutenants, Assassins, Minions, and Goons in the revised roles in specific areas, and delegate specific responsibilities to them. However, because our original roles and expectations have been tweaked and clarified, I want everyone in the program to read them over and give them some thought—I don’t want any volunteer to feel like there’s been a bait-and-switch run on them.  I (or one of our newly-appointed officers) will contact you to confirm which role you want.

What’s Our Heading? 

In terms of our organization goals, our first waypoint is to firmly establish Goons and local GMs in participating venues, and to empower Minions to help them to offer one E.G.O. game per month by the end of 2024. From there, we will work toward offering two E.G.O. games a month at each venue by the end of Season 2 in 2025. Our goals are aspirational, but I think that, working together, they are reasonable and achievable overall. And if there are some locations and people for whom our overall goals are not suited, that is okay. Everyone is welcome aboard to contribute what they can to making our voyage a success. There’s an exciting journey between where we are and where we want to be, and I’m grateful to be sharing it with so many good people. And as long as those people are having fun, spreading the love of E.G.O. and Everyday Heroes along the way, and sharing adventures in a mutually supportive community, I’m all in and happy at the helm. 

Better Booty Dead Ahead

In addition, the Cap’n is working to clarify and improve our reward structure for the crew. This will take a bit more time, because we have to chart our course carefully so as not to run aground on the restrictions for offering rewards to organized-play volunteers. My goal is to make our rewards fun, useful, and worthwhile (for you) and also easily deliverable and manageable (for us). More on that, then, in a couple of weeks. 

Set Your Course for Adventure with E.G.O.

So, grab your spyglass and monocle, sail over to the revised Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities document and have a look. Once you’re done that, keep a weather eye out for a request from me (or one of our newly-appointed officers) asking you to confirm your crew role on our passage. We need all of you on this voyage, and if we all work together there’s no telling how far we can go. The revised descriptions are here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/12kHzJHIY_4xSqamCZUfvJ5KSnDej9THPU2fLvWNnpEM/edit?usp=sharing

If you are NOT already part of E.G.O. and want to join us on this journey, sign up for the voyage and join the adventure–we have a place on the crew waiting just for you: https://forms.gle/RhcQPvyEta3RNuri7


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