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Stage Two of the REDEMPTION Roadtrip: We Ride

We have come a long way with the first launching leg of our E.G.O. roadtrip—there are now over 450 registered users on Dispatch! And we have been working hard to develop the REDEMPTION setting for the future: a World Bible in the works; new, REDEMPTION-based Origins, Classes, and Feats coming; and a Season 2 in the planning stages that is going to blow your interdimensional nachos right off the plate. In addition, we will have some sweet REDEMPTION adventures on our Patreon (including an Immortals adventure written by yours truly) to complement our regular offerings. Now, we’re ready for the second stage—getting there.

I have been working hard to prepare us for the second stage of this REDEMPTION roadtrip, and I am now ready to share those preparations with you. In addition, I have an important request to make of all E.G.O. participants to help get us back on our way. So, whether you are a veteran of the program, new to the program, thinking of joining the program, or just wondering what the fuss is all about, read on!

New and Revised Resources: 

Part of my preparations have included revising and updating our existing materials to place more emphasis on REDEMPTION, the awesome setting created especially for the E.G.O. program. Another part has been to create new or newly-revised resources to make joining and participating in REDEMPTION easier and more fun than ever. 

New and Revised Essentials:: 

The free REDEMPTION Field Manual. Everything you need and everything need to know to join, run, and play REDEMPTION games, revised and updated. Includes a GM Quickstart Guide, Gameplay Options, Dispatch Guide, new Game Reporting sheet, new convention protocols, and revised Volunteer roles, responsibilities, and rewards descriptions. 

The free Marketer’s Guide to REDEMPTION and the E.G.O. Program . The Marketer’s Guide gives you some practical ways that you can get the word out about your games, develop a community of players, and reach players beyond Discord and Dispatch. And it also tells you about ways that we can support you in that endeavor.

The newly revised and expanded Media Kit  includes free digital REDEMPTION and E.G.O. logos, brochures, bookmarks, posters, QR codes, and more that you can download for free. 

The Dev Team has been hard at work updating and improving Dispatch  to meet the practical needs of players, GMs, and event organizers. 

I have updated and revised our web copy.

The onboarding form has been updated to reflect current language and changes. 

New and Revised Nomenclature (namely—pun intended—what we call stuff):

In addition to the new and revised materials, we have changed names for players, GMs, and volunteer officers in the E.G.O. program and revised the names for REDEMPTION adventures. We wanted to bring these names more into line with the setting to encourage a more immersive experience. The previous names didn’t contribute to that goal.  

Why? Well, you see (lights pipe and contemplatively blows smoke ring at the ceiling), long ago, REDEMPTION was portrayed as an organization for convicts and criminals to “redeem” themselves (a kind of Everyday Heroes meets Dirty Dozen) and Walt DeWalt was their dour handler. In that setting, it made sense to have Goons,” “Minions,” and “Assassins,” and to have adventures called “Plots” and “Schemes.” 

But that is not where we ended up with the setting, and it is not where we are going. REDEMPTION Agents are Everyday Heroes who go forth on action-packed, cinematic adventures to fight evil, protect the innocent, and generally kick ass while saving the world. Our REDEMPTION heroes and staff aren’t Evil Goons, Minions, or Assassins—they fight them. And REDEMPTION doesn’t hatch Evil Plots and Schemes—it foils them. Obviously, we had some rebranding to do. So, here are the changes:

With participants:  
  • Players are now “Agents,” since they play the heroes who become REDEMPTION Agents. 
  • “Goons” (GMs) are now “Handlers,” because they coordinate and run the REDEMPTION Agents on their missions.
  • “Minions” are now “Operatives,” because they operate in the field to organize local Handlers and REDEMPTION events to run missions for Agents.  
  • “Assassins” are now “Field Agents,” because they oversee groups of Operatives and Handlers. 
  • “Lieutenants” are now “Directors” because they oversee regions or divisions of REDEMPTION. And collectively, as the “Board of Directors,” they oversee the entire REDEMPTION operation. 
And with adventures: 
  • “Assignments” are still “Assignments,” because…it makes sense. 
  • “Plots” are now “Missions” (short, repeatable, side-adventures).
  • “Schemes” are now “Operations” (longer, sometimes repeatable, side-adventures that frequently delve into the cinematic worlds of our other IPs or close analogues).

Calling all Agents, Handlers, Operatives, and Field Agents

Now that we have these new materials in place, we need your help to clutch-start the program and hit the road for adventure. So, I am asking all volunteers who run or schedule games in E.G.O. to make it a common practice to always have three games scheduled on Dispatch. It doesn’t matter if you offer games once a week, once a month, once every six weeks, or at an upcoming con. Just get three REDEMPTION games on Dispatch. Then, when your first game either fires or doesn’t, add one more. That way, you will always have at least three games on offer.  

One of the reasons that I am making this request is that I want to start actively recruiting MORE existing and new players to play REDEMPTION through newsletters, social media, our web site, and at conventions. But we can’t have players coming to find a game on Dispatch without there being games—lots of games, both in person and online—to find once they get there.

Also, I am also asking Agents that if you don’t find a game where and when you want one, make a request through Dispatch. It is easy to do, and it lets us know there are players out there who need games and where they are. And when you find a game…join it!

I can’t wait to get on the road again

Building a larger player and game base will take some effort on all our parts. Getting and keeping at least three games scheduled on Dispatch, and requesting games when you don’t find what you need are two of the most important thing you can do to help us get to where we need to be. And it asks no more of you than what you signed up to do. 

So, shift your games into third gear with three games on Dispatch, ask for games when you don’t’ find them at your location or online, and let’s hit the road!

And if you aren’t yet part of E.G.O. and REDEMPTION, join us on this terrific journey today: https://forms.gle/DUFyP2qHrFB9AUNu7



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