Home / Blog / The REDEMPTION Rollercoaster: E.G.O. Season 1 (no spoilers)

The REDEMPTION Rollercoaster: E.G.O. Season 1 (no spoilers)

The fabulous E.G.O. Season 1 REDEMPTION Rollercoaster has left the safety of the boarding gangway. We had a bit of a production lull in March, but think of the lull as that long, slow, “click-click-click” climb up the first big hill of a roller-coaster after the ride starts. Now, we’re poised at the crest, and you better be buckled up. It’s going to be steep drops, loop-di-loops, barrel rolls, and unexpected curves through hazards and hijinks all the way to the season finale in July and a special event at Gen Con in August. So, for your anticipation, here’s the layout of Season 1, past, present, and anticipated future, with a little bit hidden at the end just to heighten the allure.

Join E.G.O. as a player, GM, volunteer, or retailer and get your ticket to the Season 1 REDEMPTION Rollercoaster here: https://forms.gle/uoz9TZWmvhjngbTR7


Plot 1: Seeking Redemption (Michael Bramnik). [Rating: Tween]

Join the clandestine REDEMPTION organization! The Heroes get put through some training exercises before their skills are really put to the test during a real-world situation!

Assignment 1: Meat: the Enemy (Shan Wolf). [Rating: Tween]

The Heroes are sent to help rural farmers deal with strange monster sightings. What follows are a series of hijinks that lead them to a mad geneticist, whose experiments must be stopped!

Plot 2: Moving Right Along (Bryan C.P. Steele). [Rating: Tween]

The Heroes lead a group of trucks on behalf of REDEMPTION, but soon find themselves in a dangerous street race, beset by mysterious agents, and racing against the clock to make their delivery on-time.

Assignment 2: A Heist-Minded Plot (Alex Speidel). [Rating: Tween]

The Heroes must steal an artifact from a museum before nefarious criminals abscond with it first! They must execute their heist without harming the innocent or causing too much collateral damage.


Scheme 1: The Crow: Foresight’s Folly, E.G.O. edition (Rick Heinz). [Rating: Mature]

Unjustly slain heroes are given a chance for vengeance if they return to the land of the living as Reborn and stop a soothsayer from reanimating the dead to serve his foul plans.

Plot 3: Take a Hike (Marlowe Miller). [Rating: Tween]

The Heroes need to track down one of REDEMPTION’s missing allies. After learning more about their recent movements, the agents must trek into the wilderness to save them from a grizzly fate!


Assignment 3: All Rhodes Lead to Redemption (Thomas Pugh). [Rating: Tween] Coming soon!

The Heroes are sent to the Greek islands, hearing reports of ancient statues rising out of the waves! They must track down credible sightings, and confront the true threat!

Assignment 4: An Unexpected Retreat (Reyn LeBeau). [Rating: Everyone]

The Heroes track a foe from a previous mission who has escaped custody, who is now calling for their aid. All seems quiet at the meditative retreat they arrive at…but looks can be deceiving!


Assignment 5: Beyond the Blue Yonder (Sarah Kennedy). [Rating: Everyone]

It’s a race through space to catch loons on the moon, full of low-gravity hijinks! Can the REDEMPTION heroes beat the mysterious agents of M.O.M. in time to recover a buried lunar artifact?

Assignment 6: Lunch Rush at Nacho Haüs 13 (Bryan C.P. Steele). [Rating: Tween]

The REDEMPTION heroes come under attack by the agents of M.O.M. and their hired mercenary thugs at the local Nacho Haüs! It’s an all-out battle that’s far more deadly than your typical food fight!


Plot 4: Redemption Songs (Eric D. Nelson). [Rating: Tween]

Walt summons the heroes and an old hand to the Gorge Amphitheater to protect the Nacho Haüs Fusion Festival’s “Battle of the Bands” and its blimp, the Piñachtung, from multiple threats. Fireworks ensue.

Assignment 7: Postmortem Influence (Thomas Pugh). [Rating: Tween]

Can a social media influencer help save the world? The heroes of REDEMPTION are going to have to find out, because there’s nobody else for them to turn to in the most dire situation they’ve faced yet!


Season 1 culminates in July with Assignments 8 and 9. We can’t reveal the exact scenarios at the moment, but you’re going to want to play the previous assignments for this two-part Season 1 finale!

Assignment 8: Dubious Animation (Rick Heinz). [Rating: Tween]

[Top Secret at the moment.]

Assignment 9: Stained Glass (Bryan C.P. Steele). [Rating: Tween]

[Super Top secret at the moment.]


August starts off with a KA-BOOM! and a rip-roaring Multi-table Special Event at GenCon, code name “Doors and Shadows” and written by our own Bryan C.P. Steele. If you are going to be at GenCon, you’re going to want a seat at a table!

Code Name “Doors and Shadows”

[Super-duper Top Secret at the moment.]



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