This Technology Code of Ethics sets out the principles and standards that we at Evil Genius Games will use to inform, guide, and govern our decisions regarding the adoption and implementation of new technologies.
This Technology Code of Ethics is neither a list of rules and commandments that we will follow in adopting and implementing new technologies nor the codification of our ethical principles and standards for now and forever. Rather, it is a dynamic, living document that codifies the principles and standards by which our decisions regarding new technologies will be informed, guided, and governed at the present time and for the foreseeable future, as set forth below.
This Code of Ethics is based on the premise that technology itself is neither inherently good nor inherently evil. It is also based on the premise that it is
1) our motivations for adopting and implementing new technologies;
2) our intended uses of these technologies; and
3) our actual uses of these technologies that must be informed, guided, and governed by ethical considerations.
Therefore, the principles and standards set forth below focus on these three areas of ethical concern, as do the explanatory statements below each one, and they are in bold as follows:
We will be transparent and honest concerning the technologies that we are using, if any, to create our games, run our Organized Play Program, and create our game-related apps and offerings.
Our transparency and honesty will give our customers and players the opportunity to make informed decisions.
We will not adopt new technologies that run counter to our values because of pressure from outside parties, and we will not implement existing technologies in a way that runs counter to our values because of pressure from outside parties.
Because our Board makes decisions for this company, we will not be forced to act against our stated ethical principles and standards, regardless of the interests and affinities of outside parties.
All new technologies that we adopt and implement must allow us to accomplish objectives that we cannot accomplish with our existing technology, or that we cannot accomplish as effectively, efficiently, rapidly, or cost-effectively with our existing technology.
This principle implies the ability to choose between two technologies that both allow us to accomplish our objectives when one allows us to do so more effectively, efficiently, rapidly, or cost-effectively than the other.
We will adopt and implement only those new technologies that serve the creation of quality products that are worth their cost at any given time.
We will not adopt and implement new technologies in order to create low-quality products that are not worth their cost at any given time in order to lower our costs or increase our sales volume.
We will not knowingly or intentionally adopt or implement any new technologies that harm or replace creators or that make game play more laborious or difficult for players.
All technologies that we adopt and implement must cohere with the following “no harm” principle:
We are committed to the ideal that technology should
a) support creators, not harm or replace them; and
b) make game play easier and more fun for players, not more laborious or more difficult.
We will not knowingly or intentionally use new technologies in ways that are illegal, deceptive, manipulative, coercive, or exploitative, or that turn a pleasurable hobby into something other than a pleasurable hobby.
We will not knowingly or intentionally use new technologies to engage in practices that
a) manipulate our customers;
b) are inherently deceptive;
c) encourage speculation by implying artificial scarcity; or
d) use microtransactions in ways that are intrusive or exploitative.
To the best of our ability, we will provide physical books, digital books, or a comparable alternative, so that players will not be required to use technology to which they are opposed in order to play our games.
To the best of our ability, we will provide players that choose to play a “pen and paper” version of our games, or a comparable alternative, with the opportunity to do so.
Our decisions regarding new technologies will be informed and directed by the most current and accurate data available.
Before we adopt and implement any new technology, we will gather and analyze the data on it, including the ethical implications of using it (see below), and then use this data to inform and direct our decisions.
Our decisions regarding new technologies will be informed and directed by the most current and accurate data concerning the ethical implications of using the technology.
Before we adopt and implement any new technology, we will gather and analyze the data regarding the ramifications of using the technology for both living beings and the environment, and then use this data to inform and direct our decisions.
To the best of our ability, we will minimize any harm to living beings or the environment that may be caused by our use of new technologies.
Before we adopt and implement any new technology, we will explore the ways in which we can minimize any harm caused by our use of the technology, and we will implement the measures to minimize or offset that harm that we can successfully put into practice.
No new technology with ethical implications of concern to members of the leadership team will be adopted and implemented before the CEO has discussed it with the leadership team and given due consideration to the judgment and opinions of its members.
No new technology with ethical implications of concern to members of the leadership team will be adopted or implemented before all members of the leadership team have had the opportunity to research and then discuss the technology, both with the CEO and among themselves, and to have their judgment and opinions given due consideration in any and all final decisions regarding its adoption and implementation.
As a dynamic, living document that states the principles and standards that inform, guide, and govern our decisions regarding technology, this document may be revised from time to time as technology changes or as the issues and concerns that attach to new technologies change.
However, at all times, we will endeavor to display the most recent and accurate version of this document on our website, so that our customers and players can make informed decisions.
Guiding Considerations
Guiding Considerations are not the principles and standards that new technology must meet, or with which it must cohere, before we will adopt and implement it. Instead, they are considerations that inform, guide, and direct our decisions regarding the adoption and implementation of technology that meets or exceeds our principles and standards.
Simply because a technology meets or exceeds the criteria set forth in our principles and standards does not imply that the technology is right for our company. Therefore, the considerations below are in place to help us decide whether an acceptable technology will be valuable and beneficial to our company, our customers, or our community, or will improve or enhance game play in a significant enough way to justify its adoption. Any technology that we adopt and implement should also cohere with the explicit or implied considerations expressed by the statements below:
We should adopt and implement new technology that meets our ethical criteria and
a) helps us run our business and/or serve our customers as efficiently and as accurately as possible, or
b) enhances the quality of game play and/or creates new play experiences.
Before we adopt or implement any new technology, we must determine that the technology will
a) directly and measurably assist us in running our business and/or serving our customers in a way that our current technology does not, or
b) directly benefit our players as stated above in a way that our current technology does not.
We should adopt and implement new technology that meets our ethical criteria and will directly and measurably earn or save the company enough money to offset its cost.
Before we adopt or implement new technology, we should evaluate the cost of the new technology in terms of the financial gains and/or and the financial savings expected to result from it. Only cost-effective technologies should be adopted and implemented.
Before we adopt or implement new technology that meets our ethical criteria, we should invite community feedback by way of either:
a) A Discord conversation between the community and representatives from our company, or
b) A Community Advisory Board whose members have volunteered to serve in this capacity, and who will solicit input from the larger community and advise us accordingly. If we establish a Community Advisory Board, its members will act in an advisory capacity only, and have voice but not vote in our decisions regarding new technologies.