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Evil Genius Games Technology Code of Ethics​

This Technology Code of Ethics sets out the principles and standards that we at Evil Genius Games will use to inform, guide, and govern our decisions regarding the adoption and implementation of new technologies.

This Technology Code of Ethics is neither a list of rules and commandments that we will follow in adopting and implementing new technologies nor the codification of our ethical principles and standards for now and forever. Rather, it is a dynamic, living document that codifies the principles and standards by which our decisions regarding new technologies will be informed, guided, and governed at the present time and for the foreseeable future, as set forth below.

This Code of Ethics is based on the premise that technology itself is neither inherently good nor inherently evil. It is also based on the premise that it is
1) our motivations for adopting and implementing new technologies;
2) our intended uses of these technologies; and
3) our actual uses of these technologies that must be informed, guided, and governed by ethical considerations.

Therefore, the principles and standards set forth below focus on these three areas of ethical concern, as do the explanatory statements below each one, and they are in bold as follows:











Guiding Considerations​

Guiding Considerations are not the principles and standards that new technology must meet, or with which it must cohere, before we will adopt and implement it. Instead, they are considerations that inform, guide, and direct our decisions regarding the adoption and implementation of technology that meets or exceeds our principles and standards.
Simply because a technology meets or exceeds the criteria set forth in our principles and standards does not imply that the technology is right for our company. Therefore, the considerations below are in place to help us decide whether an acceptable technology will be valuable and beneficial to our company, our customers, or our community, or will improve or enhance game play in a significant enough way to justify its adoption. Any technology that we adopt and implement should also cohere with the explicit or implied considerations expressed by the statements below:


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