The World Needs Everyday Heroes!
Announcing Nacho Conline!
NACHO CONline 2025 is the first annual online convention for all Everyday Heroes, sponsored by Evil Genius Games and the Evil Genius Games Organized-Play (E.G.O.) Program.
When? January 24-26, 2025
Where? NACHO CONline Disord (Click this Invite)
What? There will be:
- Online Everyday Heroes and REDEMPTION games, with virtual tables scheduled for play around the world.
- Panels on how to GM (in person or online), adventure and setting design, map-making, and more.
- A special opening livestream Q&A panel with Evil Genius staff talking about their present and future projects.
- A very special panel with Dave Scott, Chris “Goober” Ramsley, and Steve Wolsh about our collaboration on Return of the Living Dead!
- A first-time announcement of an exciting Evil Genius IP acquisition.
- An awesome contest for fan-generated content (see next section).
Registration for games a panels is now open through Warhorn at this link:
Nacho Fan-Generated Content Contest
Prizes! Glory! Your Name in Pixels!
Calling all Everyday Heroes and E.G.O. REDEMPTION creators!
NACHO CONline 2025 is sponsoring a contest for the Best Fan Content (both individual and team submissions accepted) for the following (see full details below):
- A 15-30-second faux-commercial or recruitment spot (audio and audio/video categories).
- A 2-page menu for a specific Nacho Haüs locale.
Submission Deadline: 8:00 PM (EST), Sunday, January 19, 2025. This date/time is a firm cutoff, so don’t miss it!
Awards and Prizes:
Submissions will be available for listening, viewing, and voting on the Nacho Conline Discord from January 12-25, with winners announced at the end of Nacho Conline, January 26.
All contest submissions that meet the guidelines will receive:
- Blast from the Past. Don’t miss out on any of the excitement of yesteryear with digital copies of ALL EIGHT of our published Cinematic Sourcebooks/Adventures.
First Prize (in each category) will be awarded by popular vote on the Nacho Conline Discord from January 12-25 (one vote per person), with the winners to be announced January 26 at the close of the con. Winners will receive:
- Blastoff! Power up your 2025 Everyday Heroes and REDEMPTION homebrews with digital copies of the Vault: Rules Compendium Vol. 1 and the Armory (when published), and take your Everyday Heroes gameplay into the stars with digital copies of the Intergalactic Heroes Player’s Guide and Gamemaster’s Guide (when published).
And now for the fine print:
Learn MoreSchedule of Events
Registration for NACHO CONline and for all events and games begins at Warhorn, which is now owned by the Organized Play Foundation.
When you register for games or events, you will also need to join the Nacho Conline Discord server (invite in previous section), where all the action takes place, and to establish a Dispatch account (see below). Both are easy-peasy!
So, to see the schedule of games and events, and to be taken to registration, simply click on “Lean More” below, and get started!
Learn MoreHelpful Panels!
NACHO CONline panels are designed for the veteran or aspiring GM or Game Designer to create and run awe-inspiring and fun games in Everyday Heroes and REDEMPTION settings. Led by Volunteers, Evil Genius staff will also be present to lend their own expertise and insight into what goes into funning games, making maps, creating worlds for campaigns, and crafting adventures.
Registration through Warhorn–grab a spot today!
Click “Learn More” for descriptions.
Learn MoreSpecial Guests!
Everyday Heroes and Return of the Living Dead, with special Guest Steve Wolsh of Living Dead Media (Sunday, January 26, 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST).
Join Moderator Dave Scott, CEO of Evil Genius Games, Chris “Goober” Ramsley, Lead Developer, and Steve Wolsh of Living Dead Media for an exciting discussion of our collaboration to bring this beloved Zombie classic to your Everyday Heroes game table! If you love Everyday Heroes, Zombies, Return of the Living Dead, and game design, you’re going to eat it up.
Registration through Warhorn, and only for Nacho Conline attendees!
What is Dispatch?
Dispatch is our web-based app that is used to organize, find, manage, run, and play games both online and in-person without the need for reams of paperwork.
Through Dispatch, a GM can communicate with players and potential players through the app, and then check players in, run and report games online. The app also keeps a record of their rewards.
Create an account in Dispatch today—it’s super easy. You can find a Quickstart Guide to Dispatch in the REDEMPTION Field Manual, Evil Professor Lee Anderson’ The Academy, and also in this easy tutorial, Setting Up and Using Dispatch For E.G.O.
To access a Quickstart Dispatch Guide, click “Learn More.”
Learn More