Save 20% off the core rulebook when you purchase a Cinematic Adventure
We want the rules of our Evil Genius Organized-Play (E.G.O.) to be quick and easy to understand. That way, GMs and players can jump from their day jobs right into the thick of the action—just like Everyday Heroes. This Gameplay Options walks you through:
These rules will be updated periodically, such as whenever new books are released or E.G.O. expands to include new game systems.
E.G.O. GMs and players all use Dispatch, an easy-to-use, web-based (nothing to download) app that allows GMs to schedule, run, and log games, and players to find and join games as well as to create and track multiple characters. You don’t need the app if you or someone else just wants to sit down at a table and play a game with one of the pre-generated characters to see what it’s like (as long as the GM and other players are cool with that), but in order to really partake in E.G.O., you need Dispatch.
We strive to create a positive gaming environment, both in-person and online, where all players feel welcomed, respected, safe, and valued, and from which all leave the game table eager to return. For this reason, the Evil Genius E.G.O. Code of Conduct governs all participation in the E.G.O. program and at E.G.O. events whether these games and events are in-person or online. You can read, download, and print the Code of Conduct here:
Everyday Heroes is our flagship game, where everyday people leave their mundane lives behind to take part in fast-paced action- or spy-movie adventures. These games use the following game sources:
E.G.O. currently features three kinds of Everyday Heroes adventures. These are:
The maximum number of heroes for an E.G.O. Assignment or Plot is six, and the minimum number is four. If only three players are present, and if the GM and all the players agree, one player may “double up” with a pre-generated iconic hero to meet the minimum number of heroes. If this occurs, the pre-generated iconic hero’s level should be made as high as possible (maximum being the highest-level player hero character present).
E.G.O. uses your choice of the Point Buy or Standard Set methods for creating characters (page 26 of the Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook), just like any other Everyday Heroes game, with three exceptions:
Character “Retraining” (Level 1 only). To allow players some flexibility to adjust a new hero character to their liking, E.G.O. allows players to “retrain” (aka, make changes to) their hero, so long as the character is still at Level 1. Upon reaching Level 2, character choices are locked in and can only be modified by using in-game rewards or the expenditure of Evil Credits.
Everyday Heroes marks “Milestones” as significant moments in campaigns when characters can level up. For the E.G.O. program, we have assigned Milestone Points (MP) to each of our adventures, usually in increments of 1 or 2. Every time a character reaches six MP, they level up, following the normal rules from the Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook. For leveling up Hit Points, use the “Half your Hit Dice + 1 + Constitution Modifier” method.
When players with characters at different levels sit down at the same game table, E.G.O. adventures always increase in difficulty to match the highest-level character. To compensate, the higher-level REDEMPTION agents give their junior allies “field training” to make them ready to face the challenges ahead. In game terms, this means that lower-level characters gain certain benefits and adjustments, though only for the duration of the adventure, in order to balance play.
Field Training Adjustments
If your character is lower level than the highest-level hero present | Your character gains the following: |
1 Level Lower | +1 Hit Dice and +6 Current/Maximum Hit Points. Also +1 bonus to Attack and Damage. |
2 Levels Lower | +2 Hit Dice and +12 Current/Maximum Hit Points. Also a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage. |
3 Levels Lower | +3 Hit Dice and +18 Current/Maximum Hit Points. Also a +3 bonus to Attack and Damage. |
It can be difficult to cope with character death and evil acts during play in modern roleplay settings. To better resolve these occurrences when they happen, E.G.O. uses “Battle Scars” and “Mental Scars” from the Everyday Heroes game mechanics in the following ways:
Be aware, however, that Battle Scars inflict permanent injuries on heroes that persist into future games unless healed through extraordinary measures such as an in-game reward or spending Evil Credits. They apply permanent Disadvantage to a particular type of check (you choose from the chart when your character receives the Battle Scar). However, the Battle Scar does grant Advantage on a different type of check, though only once per game.
Note: Given the consequences of Mental Scars, a GM must always warn a player (and let them reconsider their actions) before giving their character a Mental Scar.
Example: Making a Charisma (Intimidation) check to get information from an old grandmother is not a great look for REDEMPTION agents, but it’s not going to get anyone fired from their job. However, holding a gun to that old woman’s head in order to gain Advantage on the check (or worse, pulling the trigger afterwards…) will give your character a Mental Scar.
Battle Scar Rolls
Roll | Battle Scar | Disadvantage (Permanent) | Advantage (Once per Game) |
1 | Disabled (or lost) Leg | Dexterity (Acrobatics or Stealth) | Constitution (Endurance) or Strength (Athletics) |
2 | Disabled (or lost) Arm | Dexterity (Sleight of Hand or Vehicles) | Constitution (Endurance) or Strength (Athletics) |
3 | Disabled (or lost) Eye | Wisdom (Perception) – Visual only | Charisma (Intimidation) |
4 | Disabled (or lost) Ear | Wisdom (Perception) – Auditory only | Charisma (Persuasion) |
5 | Traumatic Brain Injury | Intelligence (Social Sciences) or Wisdom (Survival) | Charisma (Deception or Performance) |
6 | Organ Damage | Constitution (Endurance) or Strength (Athletics) | Intelligence (Medicine) or Wisdom (Insight) |
7 | Spinal Injury | Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) | Intelligence (Social Sciences or Natural Sciences) |
8 | Disfiguring Scars | Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) | Charisma (Intimidation or Performance) |
Serving as a GM for an E.G.O. Everyday Heroes game is nearly identical to running a non-E.G.O. game. The only difference is that you manage all of the “paperwork” through the Everyday Heroes Dispatch app. Managing E.G.O. games is easy because you will use Dispatch to schedule your games, add your players, start/stop the game timer, and “report” your game when finished. Doing this is easy: just a few button-clicks in the app makes it so there’s no paperwork for you to worry about!
Being a GM is more of an art than a science. Always remember that your primary job as an E.G.O. Goon is to provide a fun, fair, and positive experience for all your players (and yourself!) so that every participant in our shared program can enjoy the same games no matter where they are playing or with whom. During the game, you have broad discretion to make that happen. As long as people are having fun, we can figure out pretty much anything else afterward.
Make sure that you read and understand the E.G.O. Code of Conduct, which governs Evil Genius Games staff, volunteers, and players. If you have any questions about it, please ask! The Minions, Assassins, Lieutenants, and Organized Play Manager are here for you.
As the GM, you have both a personal responsibility for maintaining decorum according to the CoC around your table, and broad discretion for how you do that. Minions and event organizers are there to back you up as the arbiters of disagreements that extend beyond your ability to regulate. However, if you are in a situation where you do not have immediate recourse to a Minion or event organizer and/or you feel that an amicable resolution cannot be realized, it’s better to call a halt to the game than to let players continue to do harm to each other or to you.
Everyday Heroes games are set in a world very similar to our own, and that world is not always easy to navigate. Our writers do their best to handle issues of politics, religion, culture clashes, and representation with care. However, we also ask our GMs to pay attention to these issues when reading and preparing to run E.G.O. adventures, and to make provisions for handling them at the table, so that everyone (including the GM) has a fun and enjoyable experience.
The Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook presents many useful tools (the X-Card, Fade to Black, etc.) for GMs who need a hand tackling certain dicey topics during adventures, but these are not the only items at your disposal! Our E.G.O. Evil Minions (see our Goons and Minions page here) can answer questions, provide guidance, back you up with the Code of Conduct, and help resolve any issues that come up after the game ends.
As a reminder from the section above on “Mental Scars,” if a hero character is about to perform an evil act (even one not listed in the adventure itself—you have discretion here), this can earn them a Mental Scar. However, as the GM, you must warn the player before giving this to them and allow that player a chance to reconsider their actions. GMs should ask players if they are sure that they wish to continue with the action in question, even knowing that it will mentally scar their hero character. GMs should re-confirm that the player knows this decision will lead to a Mental Scar and that an accumulation of three scars (Mental and/or Battle) will retire their hero permanently from the E.G.O. program.
Assignments, Plots, and Schemes for Everyday Heroes all generally follow the same structure:
Digital E.G.O. adventures will also have annotated maps that can be extracted for use on Virtual Tabletop programs or used as guidance for those who wish to draw them.
All E.G.O. Everyday Heroes adventures are listed on Dispatch with a level range. The level range indicates at what level(s) hero characters need to be to participate in the adventure (or, in the case of Schemes, to receive MP and rewards). These ranges will almost always be one of the following:
Additionally, some Everyday Heroes Assignments (along with all Plots and Schemes) will be designated as “repeatable” adventures rather than “everyday” adventures. For more information on how these adventures work for players, see the “Repeating Adventures and E.G.O. Schemes” section below.
Any time that you run an E.G.O adventure as a GM, you may choose to designate one of your level-appropriate characters to receive MP and rewards from that game as if you had played the game as a player.( This applies even if the adventure is normally not repeatable.)
One important thing that an E.G.O. GM must do when seating players is to adjust the level of the adventure to that of the highest-level hero character at the game table. To do this, simply ask each player what level their hero is. This allows you to set the appropriate level and doubles as a segue to having the players engage in “Field Training” (see above), so that their characters are on-par with one another before the adventure begins.
Example: In the level 1-4 Assignment “Meat: the Enemy,” if there is one level 3 hero seated at the table but everyone else is playing level 1 or 2 heroes, the GM should simply ask those players to apply one or two levels of Field Training to their heroes before play begins.
Just as hero characters can benefit from “Field Training” when there is a disparity between character levels at a table, NPCs and enemies in adventures can gain additional toughness beyond what is written on their Stat Blocks.
E.G.O. Assignments and Plots higher than level range 1-2 are written with only two “tiers” in mind. When encountering hero characters who are one level higher than these tiers, GMs should have all NPCs and enemies drink “Villain Enhancement Serum,” which gives them +10 Hit Points. For games where the heroes are level 5 or above, this serum also gives a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls.
Example: In the level 1-4 Assignment “Meat: the Enemy,” the adventure presents enemies for level 1 heroes and level 3 heroes. If the heroes are level 2, the GM should use level 1 enemies plus 10 Hit Points each. In a level 3-6 adventure, if the heroes are level 6, the GM should use level 5 enemies plus 10 Hit Points and a +1 bonus to Attack Rolls each.
In addition to the “Field Training” and “Battle/Mental Scars” rules, the E.G.O. program makes use of two Optional Rules found on p. 298 of the Everyday Heroes Core Rulebook.
Although crafted in sequence with each other, E.G.O. Assignments may be played in any order. However, most E.G.O. Assignments have stories that are not designed to be retold (because they have twists and surprises that would be spoiled if replayed). Because of this, “Everyday” Assignments that are not marked as “repeatable” may be played only once to earn MP and rewards. If a game table is at risk of not meeting the minimum number of players, a player may choose to play a pre-generated iconic hero for an Assignment that they have already completed. In this case, the player’s characters will not receive any MP or rewards.
On the other hand, E.G.O. Assignments marked as “repeatable” (and all Everyday Heroes Plots) can be played an unlimited number of times receiving MP and rewards as long as it is with a different character each time. Players are encouraged to let their GM know if they have already played the Assignment in a previous iteration so that the GM can make choices from their available options in order to keep the game fresh and fun for everyone at the table.
Like E.G.O. Plots, E.G.O. “Schemes” may be repeated so long as players use the pre- generated heroes that are included in the adventure. However, each time a player replays the Scheme, the MP and rewards must be applied to a different character, even if that means creating a new character, so long as the character falls in the level-range of the Scheme.
If you are playing a game that you have already run as a GM, we require you to let your GM know this information before the game starts. Also, take care not to undermine the gaming experience for the other players at the table by spoiling secrets or surprises during the adventure.
There may be a variety of situations where a player may want to join an E.G.O. game but has not yet purchased a Core Rule Book or created an account and characters in Dispatch. Our general feeling is that, if there’s room at the table, willingness among the GM and players, and someone wants to give Everyday Heroes or E.G.O. a try, let them! In such cases:
When players who already have characters set up on Dispatch elect to use pre-generated heroes instead, the MP and rewards from the pre-generated hero are handled in one of these two ways:
Example 1: You have a Level 3 character, “Aslok the Magnificent,” but decide to use a pre-generated iconic hero, Katie Paige, to play in a Level 1-4 Assignment instead. You must apply the MP and rewards for Katie to a Level 1 character of your own, even if it means making a new character.
Example 2: You have a Level 2 character, “Gorçiam Blindside,” but you want to play in a Level 3-6 Assignment. You decide to use the pre-generated iconic hero, “Glen Sharktooth McPherson,” in order to participate in that game. When Gorçiam reaches Level 3, they gain the MP and rewards from Glen. You may, alternatively, hold Glen’s MP and rewards for one of your Level 1 characters.
In some situations, such as conventions and other venues at which games are sometimes scheduled and filled in advance, sometimes scheduled close up or same-day, and sometimes only by sign-in sheet, here are some suggestions for handling the challenges:
If games are assigned and posted well in advance, this should give time for people to see the game, get the app, and sign up for the game through Dispatch as per usual.
If games are assigned and posted closer-up to play, create the game entry in Dispatch as soon as you find out which session(s) you are running. This way, players can begin to sign up for sessions in which they want to play as per usual. New or Non-E.G.O. players who do not have the app should be accommodated using pre-generated characters as per the rules for New and Unregistered Players above. Then:
In situations in which the only option is using a sign-in sheet, a sign-in sheet should have spaces for the following information:
For the GM:
For the player:
At the end of the game or event, email a copy of the sign-up sheet to [email protected] and note that E.G.O. credits need inputting into the system so we can flag it. No credit will be given apart from the information on the sign-in sheet, and incomplete required sign-up information will result in the credit not being applied, so having players include all the required information on the sheet is important.
Playing E.G.O. adventures and purchasing Evil Genius products enables players to gain access (“unlock”) content from The Vault rules compendium(s) for their E.G.O. characters. Here’s how that works:
Players who have purchased Evil Genius Games Cinematic Sourcebooks (aka Cinematic Adventures), or who received them as part of an Evil Genius Games Kickstarter campaign, unlock the following items from The Vault: Rules Compendium Volume 01:
Players who have purchased: Unlock:
Escape from New York Cinematic Sourcebook | The Convict Background
The Motorhead Class from The Vault, Vol. 01 |
The Crow Cinematic Sourcebook | The Street Rat Background
The Bartender and Charity Professions The Distracting Flourish Feat |
Kong: Skull Island Cinematic Sourcebook | The War Photographer Profession,
The Field Researcher Class from The Vault, Vol. 01 |
Pacific Rim Cinematic Sourcebook | The Disaster Survivor Background,
The Bonded Twins Class from The Vault, Vol. 01 |
Total Recall Cinematic Sourcebook | The Travel Agent Profession,
The Spy Class from The Vault, Vol. 01 |
Highlander Cinematic Sourcebook | The Caravan Trader and Religious Monastic Backgrounds
The Antiquarian Profession The Campaigner Feat from The Vault, Vol. 01 |
Rambo Cinematic Sourcebook | The Small Town Background,
The Survivalist Class from The Vault, Vol. 01 |
Universal Soldier Cinematic Sourcebook | The Veteran Background,
The Indentured Fighter and Special Forces Operative Professions The Heavy Kicks Feat |
The Vault: Rules Compendium, Vol. 01 | The Counterculture, Islander, and Lawless Home Backgrounds
The Aid Worker, Flight Attendant, Itinerant, Off the Grid, and Scavenger Professions The Everyday Hero Class |
The Agency Files 1 | The Hand-Picked and Cover-Up Ops Professions
The Mysterious Agent Class (with a note that the Alien R&D and I’ve Done My Homework abilities will probably not be useful to REDEMPTION agents during Season 1 of E.G.O.) |
The Agency Files 2 | The Alien Inoculations, Interstellar Fighting Techniques (IFTS) Feats
The Multi-Wavelength Electromagnetic Guardian (M.E.G.) Suite, Universal Scanner Items The X-Sedan VII Vehicle |
The Agency Files 3 | The Flex Sleeve Armor Item |
Evergreen Knights 1 | The Chopper, Cruiser, and Elite Vehicles |
Evergreen Knights 2 | The S&W Model 10, Sawed-Off Shotgun, and Winchester Model 88 Weapons,
The Tow Truck Vehicle |
For completing The Crow: Foresight’s Folly (Level 1), E.G.O. players earn 2 Milestone Points (see below) and unlock the Soothsayer Training feat from The Vault (or Advanced Soothsayer Training if they have already unlocked the Soothsayer Training feat) for all of their E.G.O. characters. Note that the Sight Beyond Sight plan as part of this feat is not permitted for play.
E.G.O. is at its best when our players, Goons, and Minions are working in harmony with their Friendly Local Gaming Store (FLGS). We want Everyday Heroes to be played where people can see our games, and hopefully they will ask about joining in the fun themselves! Moreover, E.G.O. rewards players who support their FLGS financially, because we want to do all that we can to support game stores that support TTRPGs. Here’s how that works:
If you spend money at a FLGS before or during a game (whether or not you buy Evil Genius products), you earn one “REP Point” per $10 (€10 in the EU) spent. You can then turn around and use your REP points for in-game rewards! However, there are three things to be aware of with REP points:
A player with REP Points may choose to spend them on any hero character or GM-Controlled NPC at their game table. For 1 REP and 3 REP, you must declare that you are using your REP points, and how you are using them, before any dice are rolled; whereas, if you are using 2 REP, you declare after the rolls are completed.
Note: You can use only one REP benefit to affect a single d20 roll. (For example, if you have 3 REP, you can’t use the benefits of both 1 REP and 2 REP to affect the same roll.)
REP Points Benefits
1 REP | “Feeling Lucky?” A Hero character gains Advantage on a single d20 roll OR you give Disadvantage on a single d20 roll to a NPC. |
2 REP | “Let’s Try That Again!” A Hero character gets a reroll on any single d20 roll OR you force your GM to reroll a single d20 roll. |
3 REP | “I Have the High Ground” A Hero character gets an automatic Natural 20 on a single d20 roll OR you give an automatic Natural 1 on a single d20 roll to a NPC. |
Special Thanks: Our heartfelt thanks goes to the following “Bug Basher” volunteers for helping us develop our E.G.O. program documentation and plans: Benjamin “Dybbuk” Alany, Davil Ohl, E. Eadgyth Cable, Gen Giggles, Glen Finney, Jester Deren, and Mariah Johnson.